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Conservation & Education 

The Millennium Green has a variety of Conservation plans including, but not limited to, the following:

Environmental Initiatives:

We undertake a limited level of intervention on the wilder parts of the Millennium Green but there are places where more intense action is required. One such is our stunning wild flower meadow which we cut on an annual basis at the end of summer. By doing so we ensure that the wild orchids, moths and butterflies that have all colonised since its establishment, continue to give delight for years to come.

Wildlife Protection

In a world where wildlife continually comes under pressure from human influenced developments, places such as our Millennium Green can provide much needed breathing space for plants and animals to thrive.

By sensitive management of our meadows, woodlands and our pond we are helping to protect our local wildlife.

Wildlife Observations

We are currently building a list of both common and rare species that occur on the Millennium Green. Visitors are encouraged to report any interesting sightings. Eventually we would like to establish a reporting system but for the time being please send your sightings to or use the contact form here.

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